It is over

The last 2 weeks have been a fog. I am exhausted, 10 months of an all-out sprint just feels too long... but the joy in my heart says it was worth it.

The wards are closed, the last patients left today, and now it is over.

Exhausted or not, it is over.

The memories have been made, the babies have been healed,

the patients have laughed, cried, and lifted their voices to our God.

The kids have played in the hallways, ran around with stickers on their heads, and given us much needed cuddles.

The women have knitted hats, blankets, and socks.

The men have played countless hours of checkers, Jenga, and Uno.

We have sung

Great things He has done,
Greater things He will do.
Unto the Lord be the glory,
Great things He has done.

and have meant every word.

We have sung

It is raining all around me,

I can feel it,

It's a lot of rain.

I asked Jesus to bring more rain

until we are full,

until we are full of a lot of rain.

And knew it was not talking about water coming from the sky,

but of God Almighty's blessings in our lives.

A ward, B ward, C ward, D ward, and ICU are all packed up.

The halls feel desolate.

I keep waiting to see Micky cruising down the hallway with his makeshift car.

There are no Mama's sitting by the stairway chatting with those who pass by.

The translators  have turned in their badges and have walked down the gangway for the last time,

It is over.

I am tired.

But satisfied.

We did our best,

more than our best.

We loved, cried, played, and gave the best care anyone could have given.

It is over.

Until next time.
