This group is mostly 'steak and potato' guys and so I planned my menu accordingly! In addition to that we watched the Alabama vs LSU game which was the only sad part of the weekend (LSU won). But I tried to have an amazing line-up of food for the game.
Menu as follows...
- Ribeye steaks w/sauteed mushrooms & oninons, baked potatoes, dinner rolls (and a shallow chafing dish of normandy vegetable mix with cheese sauce to drown them case someones conscious or 'inner wife's' voice made them feel guilty) on Friday Dinner. Dessert was Red Velvet, Pumpkin, and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups cheesecakes. I did not make these, the were Cheesecake Factory!!!
- Sausage gravy & biscuits, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, bacon, spicy smoked sausages, steak tips...Saturday Morning.
- Keeping light for lunch we went with 'make your own sub sandwich' & Chips. Saturday Lunch
- For the game and dinner, we had homemade pizzas (pepperoni, combo, veggie, cheese...), hot wings, and BBQ Ribs. Also jalapeno cheese dip and chips and assorted cookies for dessert. Saturday Dinner
- On Sunday morning the crowd was dwindling and a lot of us were off to church so I made homemade cinnamon rolls and a quick pot of coffee to get the day jump-started (actually the early birds got the coffee going). Sunday Breakfast/Snack
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